InVisAge is the flagship product of CIS and was developed to meet the demands of  property and casualty insurers and their brokers. As the name implies it is an Insurance system developed with Visual (graphical) tools to meet the demands of the modern Age. The main features are as follows:

1. It is a Multicurrency system and can be configured for a broker or carrier or both simultaneously.

2. Includes modules to support underwriting, client accounting, premium settlement, reinsurance accounting, claims administration, managerial and statistical reporting.

3. Rates policies online based on carrier defined tables.

4. Coinsurance is supported and the insured can be a participant.

5. It is Windows based following the Microsoft Windows standard.

6. Produces all policy documents immediately once the policy is accepted.

7. Integrates standard business tools like e-mail, word processing and vehicle valuation.

8. Full underwriting and claims history can be retained online.

9. User Manual is integrated into the system and is therefore always online.

10. Modular in design to ensure that new products or package products can be readily brought to the market.

11. Very flexible to ensure that the insurer has full freedom in underwriting its risks.

12. Interfaces with the Web to support e-Commerce.

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